‘Choose Your Person’ Valley program encourages end-of-life planning
Originally published by Daily Independent on October 18, 2023
Originally published by Daily Independent on October 18, 2023
Mercy Care, Hospice of the Valley and Contexture are collaborating on a community education campaign to raise awareness about the benefits of making and documenting advance healthcare decisions.
This initiative, called Choose Your Person, encourages Arizona residents to start the process by selecting a healthcare power of attorney.
National research shows that only 30-35% of Americans have created a living will, or advance healthcare directive. As a result, the end-of-life care they receive does not often reflect what they want.
Consider that 70% of people say they would prefer to die at home, yet 76% pass away in an institution, according to a press release.
“Registering your advance healthcare directives can bring peace of mind and ensure you get the care you deserve,” said Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs, who spoke at the Choose Your Person launch event at Hospice of the Valley on Oct. 11. “We want to increase the number of Arizonans who have recorded their advance healthcare directive to empower them to decide for themselves the kind of care they want before they need it.”
Mercy Care is providing $670,000 to launch the Choose Your Person community education campaign, which includes training as many as 50 community assistors and hosting community workshops on advance care planning where advance healthcare directives can be completed and registered in AzHDR.
The community workshops will serve families of people living with dementia or other serious illness, with a focus on traditionally underserved communities who are less likely to have advance care planning conversations and complete their advance healthcare directives, such as Hispanic, Black, LGBTQIA+, and unhoused communities.
The funding is part of the Mercy C.A.R.E.S. Community Reinvestment grant program.
Hospice of the Valley and Contexture will lead community education efforts through their network of healthcare providers, long term care facilities, faith communities, community-based organizations, civic groups, colleges, and businesses.
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